Oak Creek Plaza
Austin, TX

Project Description:
Oak Creek Plaza is a three-story structure with the two top floors as commercial shell space (50,000 SF) and the bottom floor as open garage space (25,000 SF). This project is LEED–GOLD certified. LEED attributes include LOW-E insulated glass, efficient air handlers and a cooling tower, low VOC interior finishes, and adhesives. Landscaping is low water consumption with mostly mulched beds to promote low evaporation. The building floors have extended eaves and vertical sun-dissipating panels. The interior core has finished restrooms with auto-flush low-water use fixtures and showers. The site also utilizes a percentage of small car parking and efficient car parking. The building construction includes a steel-framed structure with stucco on metal framing and a TPO roof. The two office levels have long runs of storefront windows on all four sides to maximize the views. The main entrance is a two-story open lobby with architectural acoustic panels on the ceiling and wood panels on the walls. The property is roughly 8 acres with 3.5 acres of development. The remainder is to be kept natural due to the project location being in an environmentally sensitive area. The garage level has split-face CMU and concrete retaining walls with corner storage rooms. Access from the garage to the building is through a central elevator. The parking garage ceiling is a drop ceiling with Ceramaguard ceiling panels and concealed sprinkler heads.